Why US?

The world becomes increasingly digital as young digital generations are emerging. New mobile centric business models are required.

Soon more consumer transaction will be made on a smartphone or tablet than on a traditional PC. This means digital will be everywhere, even in the most traditional industries. But most importantly the digital world will integrate much more into the real world. While today online and offline are still widely separated it will be perfectly combined in the future and seamlessly integrated.

Currently businesses offer little online experience during a physical experience. This will change dramatically in the near future; restaurants will accept orders made by the smartphone. Retailers will act as show rooms where the customer will order in-store by smartphone. Event visitors will receive onsite promotions on their smartphone. Insurers will have to completely restructure their sales channels, as people will receive mobile advice and mobile insurance management. Banking services will be entirely disrupted, as they are not needed anymore when offering a mortgage, since house owners can obtain such a mortgage through crowd-finance. Car drivers do not need to circle around the block anymore as intelligent mobile services will lead the car automatically to the next available parking space which has been pre-reserved by the app.

We are confident about the future and we are keen to help shaping it with our intuition and innovation. We create value for our customers working with lean and cost-effective processes and proving ourselves continuously as entrepreneurial pioneers and ideal partner for fast-growth companies.

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